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This Week / Esta Semana

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Thursday, September 15, 2022

In today’s gospel we hear Luke’s version of the Beatitudes. They may sound familiar but not quite what we are used to hearing. That is because, like many passages in the gospels, it is told in multiple gospels. In the case of the Beatitudes, Matthew’s version found in Chapter 5, verses 1 – 12 is the most commonly used version of the Beatitudes.

While Matthew’s version of the Beatitudes is the most common, Luke also provides a list of Beatitudes. However, Luke does it a little differently. Matthew lists eight beatitudes, all expressed in the positive (“blessed are they”). Luke offers four Beatitudes in the positive that parallel Matthew’s but then Luke does something different. He offers four woes (“woe to you”).

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En el evangelio de hoy escuchamos la versión de Lucas de las Bienaventuranzas. Puede que nos suenen familiares, pero no son exactamente a las que estamos acostumbrados a escuchar. Esto se debe a que, como muchos pasajes de los evangelios, se narra en varios de ellos. En el caso de las Bienaventuranzas, la versión de Mateo que se encuentra en los primeros doce versículos del capítulo cinco, es la versión más conocida y utilizada.

Si bien la versión de Mateo de las Bienaventuranzas es la más común, Lucas también proporciona una lista de Bienaventuranzas. Sin embargo, Lucas lo hace un poco diferente. Mateo enumera ocho bienaventuranzas, todas expresadas en positivo ("felices sean"). Lucas ofrece cuatro bienaventuranzas en positivo que son paralelas a las de Mateo, pero luego Lucas hace algo diferente. Ofrece cuatro advertencias ("ay de ustedes").

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Thursday, December 29, 2022

If you have not given to this year’s ABCD campaign, we ask that you consider making a gift today!

Every dollar makes a difference in the lives of those in need.

Your support of the ABCD enables us to provide essential programs and support to individuals and families above and beyond what happens in our parish.

Together, let us continue to give generously, knowing that our efforts have a lasting impact.

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Si aún no ha contribuido a la campaña del ABCD de este año, le rogamos que considere la posibilidad de hacer una donación hoy mismo.

Cada dólar hace una diferencia en las vidas de los necesitados.

Su apoyo al ABCD nos permite ofrecer programas esenciales apoyando a individuos o a familias más allá de lo que sucede en nuestra parroquia.

Juntos, continuemos dando generosamente, sabiendo que nuestros esfuerzos tienen un impacto duradero.

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For more information / Para más información

(305)762-1243 |


Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Instructions to obtain a letter for your monetary contributions to the parish during the fiscal year 2024

Instructions for the computer (not on the phone)

Enter the website:

  • Enter your Username and Password.
  • Click on My Offering
  • Click on Giving History
  • Download Electronic Statement

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Instrucciones para obtener la carta de su contribución monetaria a la parroquia durante el año fiscal 2024

Instrucciones para el computador (no en el teléfono)

Ingresa al sitio web:

  • Ingrese su Nombre de usuario y Contraseña.
  • Clic en My Offering
  • Clic en Giving History
  • Descargar Electronic Statement

Friday, January 17, 2025

Is a parish ministry made up of fathers and mothers full of love for God and their families, who feel the need to pray before the Blessed Sacrament, for the spiritual and physical salvation of their children and the children of the entire world.

Our mission is to help parents transmit the faith, virtues and Christian values to their children, as well as to form homes that are worthy temples where a healthy and happy family can develop.

The specific objectives are:

  • To be united to form the Eucharistic Army of the PMO Ministry.
  • To pray to the Eucharistic Christ for the salvation of our children, so that they also become faithful and submissive apostles to the call of the Lord.
  • To unite ourselves with the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Christ, in the silent prayers of the heart for our children.
  • To pray tirelessly entrusting our children follow the example of Saint Monica, mother of Saint Augustine.

We know that the prayers of parents are never ignored by God especially if our intercessor of the prayers is the Virgin Mary herself.

Our primary action is Mass and Holy Hour every 3rd Thursday of each month. In this Holy Hour we thank the Lord, we praise him and we present our requests and concerns for our children and the children of the entire world. For this we use a prayer book (Eucharistic Army of the Ministry of Praying Parents).

In addition, we seek to help parents take responsibility for being (“the priests of their domestic church”).

Our weapon is the Rosary
Our lifeblood is the Eucharist
Our cry is “Hallelujah, Glory to God!”


Juan Pablo Stegmann: (904)315-4432
Fernando Marquez: 754-245-1623

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Es un ministerio parroquial formado por padres y madres llenos de amor a Dios y a sus familias, que sienten la necesidad de orar frente al Santísimo, por la salvación espiritual y física de sus hijos y los hijos del mundo entero.

Nuestra misión es ayudar a los padres a trasmitir la fe, las virtudes y valores cristianos a sus hijos, además de formar hogares que sean dignos templos donde se desarrolle una familia sana y feliz.

Los objetivos específicos son:

  • Estar unidos para formar el Ejército Eucarístico del Ministerio PMO.
  • Rogar a Cristo Eucarístico la salvación de nuestros hijos, para que también se conviertan en apóstoles fieles y sumisos al llamado del Señor.
  • Nos unimos a la Bienaventurada Virgen María, en el silencio de la oración del corazón pidiendo por nuestros hijos.
  • Orar incansablemente encomendando a nuestros hijos siguiendo el ejemplo de Santa Mónica, madre de San Agustín.

Sabemos que las oraciones de los padres nunca son desatendidas por Dios y especialmente si nuestra intercesora y presentadora de las oraciones, es la misma Virgen María.

Misa y Hora Santa cada 3er jueves de cada mes, en esta Hora Santa damos gracias al Señor, lo alabamos y le presentamos nuestras peticiones y preocupaciones por nuestros hijos y los hijos del mundo entero. Para esto utilizamos un libro de oraciones (Ejercito Eucarístico del Ministerio de Padres y Madres Orantes).

Además, se busca ayudar a los papás a que tomen responsabilidad de ser (“los sacerdotes de su iglesia doméstica”).

Nuestra arma: El Rosario
Nuestra savia: la Eucaristía
Nuestro grito: ¡Aleluya, Gloria a Dios!


Juan Pablo Stegmann: (904)315-4432
Fernando Marquez: 754-245-1623

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Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Friday, 14 February, 2025 - 7:30pm to 11:30pm
In the Chapel

Enjoy a relaxing Valentine’s Night while your kids have fun at our Parents' Night Out. This event supports Effeta in raising funds for young adults needing assistance to serve or participate in the retreat.


  • Snack Time
  • Games and Playtime
  • Movie Time
  • Crafts and Creative Projects

Effeta is a retreat for young adults (ages 18 to 30) seeking a personal encounter with Christ to embrace and nurture their faith.

Parent’s Night Out: $40 per kid / $35 if you register more than one child

For more information contact

(954)682-6484 | (954)649-8072

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

18 de febrero, 2025 - 8:00pm
St. Katharine Drexel



Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Jueves, 20 de febrero - 8:00 pm

Te esperamos en los portables de St. Katharine Drexel

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Wednesday, February 26th - 8:00pm to 10:00pm

St. Katharine Drexel Catholic Parish
2501 South Post Road. Weston, FL 33325

Presenting Guest Speaker:

Wayne Suess

The Alternative Board (TAB) of Ft. Louderdale
"Critical Questions for Business Owners"

As President of The Alternative Board (TAB) of Ft. Lauderdale, Wayne Suess empowers business leaders to achieve sustainable growth through executive coaching, strategic planning, and revenue-focused solutions. He facilitates peer advisory boards and conducts workshops to help small and mid-sized business owners build high-performing management teams. Rooted in his faith in Jesus Christ, Wayne leads with integrity, purpose, and a commitment to serving others.

An experienced entrepreneur, Wayne has started four companies, including building his last business into a $40M enterprise that he successfully sold. He knows firsthand how critical it is to create businesses where faith, family, and the pursuit of personal and company goals propel business owners to new levels of success.

Wayne’s extensive background in Fortune 100 technology sales and leadership spans Digital Infrastructure, AI, Cloud Transformation, Cybersecurity, and SaaS. With a proven track record in Enterprise, Healthcare, Mid-Market, and Public Sectors, he has consistently driven revenue growth, built strategic partnerships, and led high-performing sales teams to exceed goals. Notable achievements include leading $10M in net-new revenue growth at Converge/Corus 360 and achieving 300% quota attainment at Prosys Information Systems.

Accepting New Members
Please visit

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Inscriptions open March 3rd!

Camp Impact: July 14th - 18th

Camp Lake Placid: August 4th - 8th

Friday, January 26, 2024

Friday Evening, March 7 & Saturday, March 8, 2025


St. John XXIII Roman Catholic Church
16800 Miramar Parkway, Miramar, FL 33027


Father Larry Richards & Matt Birk

For more information visit

Thursday, August 1, 2024

4 Sesiones - Sábados

MAR / 15         ABR / 12         MAY / 10         MAY / 31

de 10:00am a 12:30pm

Un ministerio que, teniendo a la sagrada familia como modelo, busca que cada persona/familia conquiste un lugar de oración y vinculación dentro de su hogar... un pequeño altar familiar donde todos recen unidos.

Donación Sugerida: $35



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4 Sessions - Saturdays

MAR / 15         APR / 12         MAY / 10         MAY / 31

from 10:00am to 12:30pm

A ministry that, having the holy family as a model, seeks for each person/family to conquer a place of prayer and bonding within their home... a small family altar where everyone prays together.

Suggested Donation: $35



Friday, June 7, 2024

Saturday, March 29 and Sunday, March 30, 2025
8:30am to 6:00pm both days

A Healing Retreat for Adult Children of Divorce or Separation

Come for a greater understanding of the wounds left by your parents' divorce or separation, for advice concerning love and trust of others, and for an experience of Christ and community that will lead to deeper self-understanding and healing.

The retreat price includes meals, and all retreat materials.(does not include housing)

Cost: $200 per person

Early Bird Special: $150 per person by February 1, 2025

Location: Madonna Retreat Center
3600 SW 32nd Blvd - West Park, FL 33023

Register Now


Thursday, February 6, 2025

4, 5 y 6 de abril de 2025
Weston, FL

“Vengan a mí todos ustedes que están cansados y agobiados, y yo les daré descanso”

Mateo 11:28


Friday, April 5, 2024

St. Peter Damian

St. Peter Damian was born in 1007, in Ravenna, Italy. He lost his parents when he was very young, he was left in the care of a brother who did not treat him well. Another brother, archpriest of Ravenna, took pity on him and took charge of his education. At his side, Peter felt like a son, which is why he decided to take this brother’s name, “Damiani” as his surname.

Damian sent the boy to school, first at Faenza and then at Parma. He proved an apt pupil and became in time a master and a professor of great ability. He showed an increasing inclination to prayer, meditation and fasting while at the same time being generous with those whom God loved the most the poor. The saint shared his food with those who were hungry, welcoming them into his home.

Peter Damian’s spiritual journey began with the Benedictines. Enthused by the reform of St. Romuald (951–1027), he became a monk in the monastery of Fonte Avellana. Moved by a very great fervor, Peter devoted himself to the practice of the harshest disciplines and rigors. He wore sackcloth and fed himself with only bread and water. His body became weakened which made him realize that in most cases being patient can be the best penance.

On the death of the abbot of the monastery of Fonte Avellana, Peter took over as prior. His desire to strengthen and improve the life of the monks was solidified in reforms that yielded good results. He founded five more communities of Benedictine hermits while encouraging the monks to always seek the spirit of silence, charity, and humility. St. Dominic Loricato and St. John of Lodi, his disciples, are sons of those reforms.

In 1057 Peter Damian was created cardinal and bishop of Ostia, renouncing what pleased him most: his life in silence and solitude.

His good name became known to all, and he considerably increased the contact he already had with the Roman Curia, and even with the pope. He wrote numerous letters criticizing “simony” — the purchase of spiritual goods as if they were material goods, which included ecclesiastical offices, performance of sacraments, sacramentals, the trade of relics, and promises of prayer.

He wrote the so-called Book of Gomorrah (a title alluding to the Old Testament city of Gomorrah) and spoke out strongly against the impure customs of his time. He also wrote about the duties of clerics and monks, to whom he recommended spiritual discipline rather than prolonged fasting.

“It is impossible to restore discipline once it has fallen into decay; if we, through negligence, allow the rules to fall into disuse, future generations will not be able to return to the primitive observance. Let us guard against incurring such a fault and let us faithfully transmit to our successors the legacy of our predecessors,” the saint wrote sharply, concerned about the responsibility we have toward future generations of Christians.

Pope Alexander II sent Peter Damian to solve a problem in Ravenna, where the archbishop had declared himself in open rebellion and had incurred excommunication. Unfortunately, the saint arrived after the prelate had died, but such was his example of justice and charity in fraternal correction that the accomplices of the rebel recognized their error, assumed their penance, and reformed their conduct. On his way back to Rome, Peter Damian fell ill during his stay in a monastery on the outskirts of Faenza and died there on Feb. 22, 1072. He was declared a doctor of the Church in 1828 by Pope Leo XII.

Her feast day is celebrated on February 21st

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San Pedro Damián

San Pedro Damián nació en el año 1007 en Rávena, Italia. Perdió a sus padres siendo muy joven y quedó al cuidado de un hermano que no lo trataba bien. Otro hermano, arcipreste de Rávena, se compadeció de él y se encargó de su educación. A su lado, Pedro se sentía como un hijo, por lo que decidió tomar como apellido el nombre de este hermano, “Damiani”.

Damián envió al muchacho a la escuela, primero en Faenza y luego en Parma. Demostró ser un alumno apto y con el tiempo se convirtió en un maestro y profesor de gran capacidad. Mostró una inclinación cada vez mayor a la oración, la meditación y el ayuno, al mismo tiempo que era generoso con aquellos a quienes Dios más amaba: los pobres. El santo compartía su comida con los hambrientos, acogiéndolos en su casa.

El camino espiritual de Pedro Damián comenzó con los benedictinos. Entusiasmado por la reforma de san Romualdo (951-1027), se hizo monje en el monasterio de Fonte Avellana. Movido por un fervor muy grande, Pedro se entregó a la práctica de las disciplinas y rigores más duros. Vestía cilicio y se alimentaba sólo con pan y agua. Su cuerpo se debilitó, lo que le hizo comprender que en la mayoría de los casos la paciencia puede ser la mejor penitencia.

A la muerte del abad del monasterio de Fonte Avellana, Pedro asumió como prior. Su deseo de fortalecer y mejorar la vida de los monjes se concretó en reformas que dieron buenos resultados. Fundó cinco comunidades más de eremitas benedictinos, al tiempo que animaba a los monjes a buscar siempre el espíritu de silencio, caridad y humildad. Santo Domingo Loricato y san Juan de Lodi, sus discípulos, son hijos de aquellas reformas.

En 1057 Pedro Damián fue creado cardenal y obispo de Ostia, renunciando a lo que más le agradaba: su vida en silencio y soledad. Su buen nombre llegó a ser conocido por todos, y aumentó considerablemente el contacto que ya tenía con la Curia romana, e incluso con el Papa. Escribió numerosas cartas criticando la “simonía” —la compra de bienes espirituales como si fueran bienes materiales, que incluía los oficios eclesiásticos, la celebración de los sacramentos, los sacramentales, el comercio de reliquias y las promesas de oración—. Escribió el llamado Libro de Gomorra (título que alude a la ciudad de Gomorra del Antiguo Testamento) y se pronunció enérgicamente contra las costumbres impuras de su tiempo. También escribió sobre los deberes de los clérigos y monjes, a quienes recomendaba la disciplina espiritual en lugar del ayuno prolongado.

“Es imposible restaurar la disciplina una vez que ha caído en decadencia; si nosotros, por negligencia, permitimos que las reglas caigan en desuso, las generaciones futuras no podrán volver a la observancia primitiva. “Cuidémonos de incurrir en semejante falta y transmitamos fielmente a nuestros sucesores el legado de nuestros predecesores”, escribió con dureza el santo, preocupado por la responsabilidad que tenemos hacia las futuras generaciones de cristianos.

El papa Alejandro II envió a Pedro Damián a resolver un problema en Rávena, donde el arzobispo se había declarado en abierta rebelión y había incurrido en excomunión. Lamentablemente, el santo llegó después de la muerte del prelado, pero fue tal su ejemplo de justicia y caridad en la corrección fraterna que los cómplices del rebelde reconocieron su error, asumieron su penitencia y reformaron su conducta. De regreso a Roma, Pedro Damián enfermó durante su estancia en un monasterio en las afueras de Faenza y murió allí el 22 de febrero de 1072. Fue declarado doctor de la Iglesia en 1828 por el papa León XII.

Su festividad es el 21 de febrero.

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Thursday, August 1, 2024

Our Religious Store is

Enjoy religious gifts for the entire family!

Designed to help with your sacramental, seasonal, and holiday celebrations, you can visit the online store and shop from home with just one click.

Click here to visit and buy now

Friday, June 16, 2023

Order now your empanadas & tequeños and pay at take-out!

Your purchase helps St. Katharine Drexel Church.

  • Frozen Argentinean Empanadas
  • Frozen Latin American Empanadas
  • Frozen Tequeños & Pastelitos

Make your order online or by phone.
(954) 588-0658 |

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¡Pida ahora sus empanadas y tequeños y pague a la salida!

Tu compra ayuda a la Iglesia St. Katharine Drexel.

  • Empanadas Argentinas Congeladas
  • Empanadas Latinoamericanas Congeladas
  • Tequeños y Pastelitos Congelados

Haga su pedido en línea o por teléfono.
(954) 588-0658 |


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