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From our Pastor’s Desk

Dear Family:

First of all, I would like to give thanks to St. Vincent de Paul Society Ministry for the amazing organization of our Bingo Night on September 13th. It certainly was a joyful night as we gathered as a big family to enjoy each other and to play bingo. It seems that I am acknowledging the success of the Bingo Night too late, but it is not the case; our bulletins are prepared a week in advance in order to have them available at the proper time. I still do not know the final numbers of the event, but I am sure we did well. May the Lord bless each person that made that night memorable.

Now, let us dive into the Scriptures of this weekend. I like plants and God blessed me with a green thumb. I have a few plants in my office that I care for and nurture always. If I want them to thrive and look healthy and beautiful, I have to supply the conditions under which they can grow, taking in sun and water and turning them into beautiful plants.

Something similar is true about humans and human communities, from the family to entire countries and the community of all mankind. To regulate everything by exterior principles, by a multiplicity of laws and policies, is impossible and counterproductive, diminishing the interior freedom necessary to live well. Each of us needs to be orderly within himself, to have a healthy and peaceful human community.

St. James, in today’s second reading, points to the passions as sources of all kinds of disorder among men. Passions are part of who we are: it is good and normal to be hungry when we need food and to be satisfied when we have had a delicious meal; it is likewise good, and normal to want recognition, success, justice.

While the desire for money, food, or pleasure can lead us to excess, often a more insidious problem is presented by desires, that clothes themselves with an appearance of justice and a deeper purpose: pride, ambition, jealousy… “We are being treated unfairly, others receive more recognition or money from the Church. We cannot accept that.” Or “He or she began! Or “He or she is wrong.”” He or she has to apologize.” Or “They are completely wrong… they have to recognize and correct their mistake, before there is any point in talking with them”.

What is the solution? The solution or starting point of a solution is not to reject or repel one’s own desire for justice, but to put it in the context of service, which can sometimes recognize the “right” thing to do is giving in, even if the other person is objectively “wrong”.

That does not mean we are being a wimp or pretending that everything is just fine. Jesus says, “he who would be the first… should make himself the servant of all.” We are not to be the slave of one person, obeying and accepting everything from that person, but able to see behind a conflict between two sides, and despite various difficulties, look out for and seek the common good, the good of all.

Sometimes we make heavy crosses for ourselves in life with others, because we are simply in principle unwilling ever to give in or to give way. To be considerate, however, to have understanding for the point of view of others, even if we disagree with them, to make allowances for the weaknesses of others, to exercise patience and make sacrifices out of faith in God’s love, smooths our own way, and brings us closer to God’s kingdom, where he is all and in all.

In the Gospel today, Jesus tells His followers that He Himself will be treated badly and even put to death. His followers seem not to listen at all. Instead, they are discussing who will be the greatest among them. The contract between Jesus and His followers is enormous. Yet we ourselves are often not concerned at all that Christ has died for us. Instead we are like the followers of Jesus. We are concerned about the trivial things of our own lives and about how we can be better off in this world.

The first reading, from the Book of Wisdom, is not a prophecy but rather a deep understanding of human nature. There is something broken within us humans and we can be unhappy when a person is too good. The goodness of the other person makes our lack of goodness look even worse. So, we do not believe in the goodness of the other person. We test the goodness of the other, hoping that it is not real. St. James continues to instruct us that the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace for those who cultivate peace. We are not to be discouraged by our brokenness. We are to recognize our reality as broken people and continue to seek peace and seek to live with virtue.

Just as Jesus recognized that he would be treated badly and put to death, we recognize that to be His followers, we will suffer. This suffering will come from others but also from our own efforts to be faithful. When we encounter our own brokenness, we begin the spiritual combat which will allow the Spirit of Jesus to transform us into His image.

Today Jesus invites us to walk the path that He walked in this life. We are invited to embrace suffering for the sake of the Kingdom, as the price of transfiguration, as the means of living as He lived. Let us trust Him and do as He asks. Today Jesus invites us to be One Body, One Spirit, One Family!

Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint Katharine Drexel, Saint Michael the Archangel, Pope Saint Pius X and Blessed Dr. José Gregorio Hernández, pray for us!

Yours in Christ Jesus!
Fr. Omar


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