Altar Servers

An altar server assists the priest at Mass by preparing the altar and acting as server during Mass. Ages 9 and up after they receive First Communion, are allowed to serve. You are required to attend training for this ministry.

Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) - MESC

Assists with distribution of the Eucharist during mass and brings the Eucharist to the homebound. It makes few demands on your time beyond a planned attendance at Mass. 21 and up. Interview approval by pastor and 1/2 day workshop is required.
Homebound and Sick


Proclaim the Holy Scripture at mass. 21 and up. Approval by pastor and workshop is required.
Masters of Ceremony


Available in English or Spanish. This requires an ability to sing, a weekly commitment of 1.5 hour for rehearsal, and weekly attendance at mass. There are additional rehearsals and masses for Lent, Easter, and Christmas.
Grades 2nd – 8th. This requires an ability to sing, a weekly commitment of 1 hour 15 minute rehearsal, and attendance at children Mass. There are additional rehearsals and masses for Lent, Easter, and Christmas.

Has the responsibility for setting up everything needed before Mass.

Smile and warmly welcome and assist parishioners as they enter the parish; handout missals and song sheets; direct parishioners to open seating; pass the baskets for the collection; direct parishioners to communion; collect missals and song sheets; and distribute weekly bulletin.