
While carefully protecting Jesus’ teaching of the sacredness of marriage, the Church also is obliged to provide justice for anyone whose marriage has failed when it can be shown, with moral certainty, that the marriage lacked from its onset some essential elements for a true sacramental bond.

Courage International

Encounter Christ. Discover yourself. Grow in holiness.
A Roman Catholic apostolate for men and women who experience same-sex attractions and those who love them.
- The Spirituality of Courage
- Testimonies
- Courage & EnCourage chapters
- Online Chat Support Groups
For more information, please go to:
Detention Ministry

Offer a prayer service in the jails as an opportunity to help inmates grow in their relationship with God. To qualify you must be interviewed, and then go through training through the Archdiocese. Once trained, you join a team that visits jails once a month. You provide spiritual opportunities for inmates and support fellow ministers.
Feeding the Homeless


Outreach and Missions

In particular, the Parish Community collaborates with Hope Outreach Pantry on a quarterly basis. We hold a BackPack Drive which includes school supplies in August and we host an “Angel Tree” at Christmas. The Parish also contributes to help the community of Zabo in Haiti.
Respect Life

Assists with the collection and transport of donated items to the respect life office in Ft. Lauderdale.
St. Vincent De Paul Society